If you’re not Coca-Cola… Mock>it
Taking the top three technology firms out of the equation – Apple, Google and Microsoft – which is the world’s most successful brand? If you guessed Coca-Cola you’d be right. More than 1.8 billion Coca-Cola products are consumed every day and according to Forbes magazine, the company ranks fourth in a list of top global brands, even above Facebook.
A huge part of Coca-Cola’s success is branding. The familiar typography has barely changed since 1887 and the classic red and white has been with us since the 1950s. It has remained because it works.
But most companies aren’t Coca-Cola and most rebrand their products at some point. How can they be sure they get it right? That’s where our packaging mockup service, mock>it, comes in.
Mock>it enables companies to create sample packaging with the look, feel and quality of the products that will eventually end up on the shop shelves. We can do this in any quantity, from a single packaging mockup to hundreds, saving companies hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Since launching mock>it last year our clients have put it to a range of uses including market research, trialling and testing new prototypes, rebranding, improving packaging functionality and much more. They have experimented and analysed, deliberated and manipulated, debated and finally agreed on what their perfect solution is.
Mock>it gives our clients a cost effective way of manipulating all aspects of their sample packaging until they get it right. It means mistakes don’t creep into the finished item, mistakes which could cost a company millions.
So when you’re not a Coca-Cola, when you don’t have 130 years of history informing your decisions, let us help you. We’re not promising you’ll make the list of world’s most valuable brands (although you might!) but you can be confident that when your products go to market, your packaging will be perfect. To find out more about mock>it or to request a free sample please head over to our Packaging Mockups page.